Jesse Darling - artist

Hello, I’m JD. I work as an artist and I also teach and write, among other things. This site is supposed to be the place where I show you how I’d like you to see what I do, but web design always needs some kinda informational taxonomy — boxes, chronologies — and I’ve never found a way to put it all together so it felt right. This is in part because everything you encounter online exists in a kind of forever-present that makes it feel both at once entirely current and kinda been and done, and even though this is how quantum physics imagines all of life, I’ve always found it a bit difficult. As a species it feels like we might need more practice in holding the quantum timeline or the idea of complexity and multiplicity more generally, and in the meantime I’m just trying to style it out on planet Earth. This is something I guess you and I have in common, and that’s a good start. Anyway, this is my latest attempt at furnishing this little piece of rented real estate and perhaps also my last, since I keep letting this site expire. So, instead of doing the whole thing where I pretend there’s been some kind of linear progression or a set of defining moments, I’ll just point you to my little branded storage locker over on this free app where people post their career highlights and whatever else they’d like you to consume. It ain’t exactly quantum physics, but I’d rather do almost anything else in my one life than hang out in the back catalogue while there’s still so much interesting stuff to think about and explore, especially when the evolution of the present tends to change the way we understand the past. If that doesn’t serve you what you came here for, then any big search engine probably knows more about the entity advertised on this page than I do. Just don’t believe all you read, yeah? It’s a madness out there. Stay complex, xo JD
